Work Package 7: Dissemination and Evaluation

Work package 7 aims to spread awareness of the project, of the action and its results, as well as bring awareness to this important issue and the current unmet needs. Moreover WP 7 evaluates achievement of the action objectives including relevance of the deliverables of all WPs and assesses overall satisfaction of the action participants.

More specifically, the work package's objectives are the following :

  • Production of a context-specific dissemination and communication strategy designed to ensure effective communication of the consortium’s objectives, ongoing work, research findings, and final outcomes to pre-defined stakeholder groups.
  • Creating a visual identity of the project.
  • Monitoring, evaluating and assessing the output, outcome and impact indicators based on the logical framework approach.
  • Identifying the lessons learnt, and patient experiences based on staff survey and patient reported experience measures. SWOT analysis of technical functionalities and implementations issue.
  • Provide a cost-effectiveness analysis of piloted solutions.