Work Package 4: Holistic intervention to society

Work package 4 develops innovative web-based interventions to stimulate lifestyle changes in diet, physical activity, tobacco and alcohol use, and long-term exposure to environmental agents and communicating breast cancer risks related to the exposure to carcinogens,Â

More specifically, the work package's goals are the following :

  • Developing a digital platform including a mobile app for patients and citizens and a web-dashboard for health professionals and researchers, supporting the women’s engagement in the lifestyle change intervention, activity tracking and monitoring, data collection and sharing
  • Developing and testing a six-month web-based lifestyle intervention trial to investigate whether the joint effect of a Mediterranean diet and physical activity significantly modifies body weight, waist and hip circumference 
  • Identifying practical and safe lifestyle guidelines and recommendations
  • Designing and preparing scientific material which will lead to the realisation of informative brochures for the target population