Università degli Studi di Perugia (UNIPG)





  • Fabrizio Stracci

The University of Perugiawas founded in 1308. In that year, Pope Clement V issued a bull entitled Super specula, which granted the Studium of the city the authority to engage in higher education. Today, research, education and consulting activities in the various disciplines are organized in 14 Departments, with about 25,000 students, 1,100 professors and researchers and 1,100 staff members.

The University also offers study programs in some other Umbrian towns: Assisi, Foligno, Narni and Terni. On the international level, the University remains firmly committed to developing collaborative relationships with European and non European Universities, to facilitate and improve international advanced study opportunities for its students. The European Commission has recently awarded the University the prestigious ECTS label for excellencein the application of the European Credit Transfer System in all of its degree programs – first and second cycles and single cycle – confirming the high quality of our expanded international endeavours. Currently, there are about 50 research groups that received grants from the European Research network.

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