
Studies have shown that the risk for breast cancer is due to a combination of factors. However, there is a gap between the vast number of published results and knowledge about the distribution of risk factors in the population. This project therefore aims to translate scientific evidence into population health improvement. The project will focus on health inequalities , and actions will address both: lifestyle, considered at an individual and social level, and the environment, including both environmental pollution and the built-in environment. This includes tobacco use and vaping devices, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, overweight and obesity, alcohol-related harm, the risks associated with breast implants, atmospheric pollution, and built environment elements such as green spaces and bicycle lanes.

There will be a special focus on measures aimed at reducing health inequalities in the following vulnerable groups : refugees from Ukraine, Ukraine people living under war conditions, and people living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods and areas.

The workpackages

Project management and coordination
Breast cancer impact, risk factors and prevention in European countries
High resolution studies on the prevalence of risk factors in breast cancer patients
Holistic intervention to society
Action to reduce health inequalities
Urban environment and breast cancer risk
Dissemination and Evaluation

The consortium


ELISAH brings together a consortium of 11 organisations from 4 countries, including cancer research centres, research infrastructures, universities, leading research groups, hospitals, Non-profit organisation of social utility and analytics institutions. 

Participating nations include Italy, Greece, Spain, Ukraine, with Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (Milan, Italy), taking the lead as the project coordinator 

Expected results

  • A comprehensive picture of national cancer plans, breast cancer rates and risk factors in all EU Member States.
  • Identification of inequalities in exposure to risks in Europe, proposals put forward in the scientific literature and actions listed by the Member States.
  • Information on the exposure to atmospheric and water pollutants and evaluation of the built environment(e.g., green spaces) where women with a diagnosis of cancer work using the cancer registries of Italy, Greece, Spain and Ukraine.
  • Elaboration of JRC ENCR data registries on breast cancer in EU countries.
  • Development of a  digital platform and mobile app to provide remote interventions on lifestyle change,  to promote awareness and engage users.
  • Improved capacity of project partner organisations to define the reasons behind health inequalitiesthrough analytical research.
  • Reduced health inequalities through the introduction of new approaches on national/regional/local levels