Institut Catala d'Oncologia (ICO)





  • Rafael Marcos-Gragera
  • Arantza Sanvisens
  • Maikel Verdaguer
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The Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO) is a public non-profit centre assigned to the Catalan Health Service working exclusively in the field of cancer. ICO is currently the referral cancer centre for almost 50% of the adult population of Cataloniaand its approach to the disease is comprehensive, combining, all in one organisation, prevention, patient care, specialised training, and research.

Structured as a network, it comprises four centres (ICO L’Hospitalet, ICO Girona, ICO Badalona and ICO Tarragona i Terres de l'Ebre) that work in cooperation with university hospitals, local hospitals, health research institutes and universities. Thus, a rich, stimulating, and multidisciplinary environment and fertile scientific humus for biomedical research is provided to ensure the highest quality provision of health care.

The Epidemiology and Cancer Registry Unit (Girona Cancer Registry) is located at ICO Girona, and it plays an essential role in cancer control, as they carry out a continuous and systematic work of collecting, analysing, and interpreting data on the characteristics of cancer patients in the areas in which are located. It contains clinical and pathological data of the tumour and data on the follow-up of patients, to know their survival and it can complement the rest of the institutions with its experience in database management and analysis, as well as its knowledge of cancer at an epidemiological level.

Finally, the Girona Cancer Registry is attached to the Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI), which is a CERCA research centre of the Generalitat de Catalunya whose purpose is to promote, develop, transfer, manage and disseminate biomedical research, scientific and technological knowledge, teaching and training in the areas of life and health sciences, mainly in the Girona area. IDIBGI will participate in this project as a ICO third party giving in-kind contributions and will share the responsibility for the research project management, assisting ICO in the administrative and financial tasks.