Carpathian Institute of Analytics FrankoLytics (NGO)





  • Olga Maksymovych
  • Taras Malyshivskyi
  • Mykhailo Mosora
  • Mykhailo Osypchuck
  • Roman Piatkivskyi
  • Nataliia Basarab
  • Diana Torkoniak
  • Iryna Chorna
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The Carpathian Institute of Analytics “FrankoLytics” (hereinafter - “FrankoLytics”) is Ukrainian university-based think tank with a well-established internal and external partnership network, that provides the opportunity to involve a wide range of NGO activists, public leaders, scientists and students.

Our team consists of 11 professionals and a respectful Supervisory Board, which is an interdisciplinary team of analysts and experts in the field of quantitative data processing, sociology, psychology, economics, philosophy, pedagogy, history, political science, jointly providing appropriate quality of research and other products of the organization. Consequently, the university think tank status provides the opportunity to involve scientists and students, access to the communicational sources and networks.

Therefore, our capacity includes: human and material resources, portfolio of conducted researches and analytics as well as managerial competencies, Partnership network and reputation, well equipped office (78 square meters), equipment, operational capacity and management facilities. The Organization “FrankoLytics” in its own development overcame the path of transformation from the structural unit of the University (2015) into an independent think tank, the successful institutional formation of which took place as a part of a special branch of the international program aimed to support the development of university think tanks in the framework of International Renaissance Foundation in partnership with Open Society for Europe Initiative (OSIFE) and with financial support provided by the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine (2020 - 2021). Therefore, the Organization “FrankoLytics” was successfully transformed and evolved from the structural unit of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University into a non-profit legal entity (2022), an organization particularly interested in Building partnerships, capacity building and alignment communications with target audiences, especially in Carpathian Region and EU border region. FrankoLytics’s mission is to create evidence-based research solutions for the sustainable development of Ukrainian Amalgamated Communities aimed to improve local authorities’ policies.