Utility Non-profit Enterprise "Central City Clinical Hospital Of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council' (CCCH)





  • Uliana Sydor
  • Julia Goroshko
  • Roman Fishchuk

UNE "Central City Clinical Hospital of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council" provides medical services in Ivano-Frankivsk due to the work of its structural units: Surgical, Invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment, Urological, ENT microsurgery, Eye microsurgery, Cardiac, Vascular neurology, Therapeutic №1 and №2, Rheumatological, Centre for Nephrology and Dialysis, Emergency medical care, Intensive care unit, Traumatology, Department of the head and neck, Department of Ultrasound and PD, X-ray department, Clinical and diagnostic laboratory, Endoscopic center of diagnosis and treatment, physiotherapy department, Consultative clinic, Clinical Research Department.

Number of employees: 856 Average number of patients treated in the institution during the year: 16000. Central city clinical hospital of Ivano-Frankivsk city council conducts phase 1-4 clinical trials in various clinical indications including but not limited to COVID-19, asthma, COPD, chronic rhinosinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, arterial hypertension, vaccines, diabetes mellitus, etc.

CCCH is a member of the Society for Clinical Research Sites since 2018. In the last 5 years the hospital conducted more than 60 trials. The hospital is well equipped to deliver high quality results in clinical trials. Central city clinical hospital of Ivano-Frankivsk city council has implemented two cross-border projects regarding healthcare issues (includes purchase of equipment, joint trainings, info campaign): 1. Project “Joint initiatives and solutions in addressing health in the cross-border Romania-Ukraine” of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 More information is here. Project budget for IF – 400.000 euro. Hospital was a project partner. Project was successfully finished and reported; and last tranche was received. 2. Project "Infection-free hospitals" within the Joint Operational Program Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020. Project budget for IF – 163.797 euro. Hospital was a lead partner (project leader). Project was successfully finished and reported; and last tranche was received. In both cases, Hospital has led the activities conducted in Ivano-Frankivsk, communicated with the Donor and Partner, auditors.