Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone Di Palermo (AOUPPA)





The School of Medicine and Surgery and the AOUPPA have the delicate and crucial task of working in synergy to guarantee qualified healthcare assistance, in line with the increasingly high standards of the NHS, and advanced training for Degree Course Students and Postgraduates, as well as contributing and having a positive impact on the scenarios of future healthcare, responding to the new type of Society and organization of Research and Science.

In this perspective, the School of Medicine and Surgery and the A.O.U.P. are called to work in solidarity in the continuous search for new structures and in the management of human and structural resources. The binomial University-Healthcare must also inevitably deal with the great themes of ethics, deontology and bioethics. The School and the university departments are aware and convinced of this deep bond.

The entire Polyclinic with the various care areas, libraries and teaching rooms are in the name of Paolo Giaccone and, ideally through him, also to all the other illustr ious Palermitans, state servants who were victims of mafia violence. On these premises, the Medical School in recent years has innovated and updated the educational offer by expanding the Study Courses of the Health Professions, consolidating the Master's Degree Courses and the Specialization Schools, rationalizing the Doctoral Courses and organizing Master's and Refinement.

The Clinical epidemiology and Cancer Registry Unitat the AOUPPA is involved in the epidemiological surveillance activities on communicable and not-communicable diseases within the national framework coordinated by the Italian Institute of Public Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità -–ISS). Since 2003 the unit host a population-based cancer registry which is a part of the Sicilian region cancer registries network, monitoring the incidence of cancer on a population of about 4,830,000 resident inhabitants.

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